If the following are issues or concerns for one or more applications in your NMS environment then it us highly likely that a significant data mediation inefficiency exists. This inefficiency is commonly referred to as Integration-Tax and is paid at the following points in the lifecycle for each system in your NMS/OSS area.
- At system commissioning or installation time: Why are Data Integration projects and Change Requests more complex & taking longer?
- At system upgrade or change time: Why is the cost to re-integrate often as much as the original integration and why are there so many side-effects and support issues due to simple changes?
- At system replacement time: How can I retain my data-mediation investment? Why do I pay again and again for the same/similar mediation solutions?
- Ongoing Support: Why is there reluctance by anyone to take responsibility for the data integration problems and provide solutions? Why are all the integrations so different?
- Availability: Why is there such limited solution monitoring capabilities?
- Visibility: Why are these important solutions so invisible to operations?