Receive-it and Collect-it Service Component

This dual purpose service component can be configured in passive or active mode.

In passive mode this service component receives a stream of notifications or bulk data-sets into prescribed locations. The nature of the notification can be change events (delta) or alarms. The receiver can optionally configure to re-sync with a source according to pre-defined rules or signals. Depending on solution requirements, this component can optionally perform conversion of a bulk dataset to a stream and stream to bulk.

In active mode this service component performs the managed collection of a bulk dataset from a set of prescribed external sources. Sources can be file systems, databases or applications. Depending on solution requirements this component can optionally perform conversion of a bulk dataset to a stream.

Any given solution using this component will also require 1 broker, and 1 or more collection or reception service components configured as part of a solution assembly.

Solutions may optionally benefit from 1 or more data hubs being deployed, enabling data collected or processed to be shared by other solution.